Friday, April 15, 2011

Day Fifteen

“whatever you choose to claim of me
  is always yours: nothing is truly mine
  except my name.”

               ~NaPoWriMo tweet

unless we break it    into    two parts,
the way your voice       hears me
or is it       
       radio voices,         actuality

no longer          anything like
little contained pieces,  just
                                             a bunch of fluttering

what it feels like

         embarrassment postponed,
          accidentally              large

and getting rid of           jackets
come pouring out   of me

what belongs to us, something of
of my arms beyond freeway off-ramps,
     of all the places
my name has gone      and left me

                        such as perfect,
consequential     moments,       let go
in the sense of
            your nickname,            slow and meaningless,

also, numbers i don’t count to

only days    able to be   piled
onto charts,
fingertips                              left
                        of combustion,
my own dream              of horrible sailing
                             unbending, with cushion
large and open like   
                       wet hair
                     becoming plausible, noise-filled,

like your terms,     throwing sounds at
      dust or living space, easiest
to let things stay            round,
bright, or
a bit             damp
                           when they allow small boxes   to close
what it would       feel
to crumble      
             in your mouth

i’m like a seahorse
saying things
through a      radio wave
or     backwards and     outside love
something dry,           your hands,
nowhere to go but      toward less touching

factories turned       upside down
like China,

where   parts of us    invent

            for no longer being
            held in place

why colors       
were invented     so quickly:

                                for our hunger,
how we know
            when things           are ripe.