Sunday, April 17, 2011

Day (Sixteen).2

“I thought I would die if my name didn't
touch me, or only with its very end, leaving
the inside open to so many feelers
like chance rain pouring down from the clouds."

                        ~Rosmarie Waldrop, CURVES TO THE APPLE

it was always about         choosing
                        up or down
it became                    a filled in space
            where my thoughts didn’t        breed,
sufficient already
like babies who don’t know       about their own

i became aquainted with stairs
                        couldn’t move through them    slowly

            i have to get them over with

i just felt                 spoken     
          once too many times
in            places where
                                    rain is still surprising,
my lack of thirst    gathering me
            troubled and wanting looks,

when fingertips    are all i know     to write with

so i       sometimes
 turn them inside out
make them                   bigger, bent up slightly
 talk them through a     
                            good deal             on
baskets of fruit,  places they can

curve around,     if that can be
                                 like getting at wholeness

i just felt     knocked over
             a little too much like               tires
or a professor    of warmth      in
                                    the middle
                                    of bathing
a day    free of seasons,
            trying to count the ways
            people        go home

trying           to be more like
            real things,
                        hands around glasses,
things we         sleep close to    and
   press out of ourselves
                                    in the morning,

the times when you                 sturdy, filled with pewter
                    became my
                                    [despite myself]
rather than a bed,
                        prone now       to weirdness
in large areas, fields, big numbers like death
or taking off     my bandages
setting them down                   in your

Day (Sixteen)

“I thought I would die if my name didn't
touch me, or only with its very end, leaving
the inside open to so many feelers
like chance rain pouring down from the clouds."

                        ~Rosmarie Waldrop, CURVES TO THE APPLE

it is eating me up alive, it is hard
to recognize,
i can barely remember my own face
if it touches me, it’s like nursing
a wounded hero and describing the battle
from the thieves point of view

it is very muscular, strong, funny, smart
but also can make no mistakes
about carrying me away

i can’t figure out if it’s
really touching me or not,
but doesn’t every girl
at some point
let someone else figure it out

don’t let anyone touch, use, or even mess
with your name, it gets fuzzy,
looks like a blemish people
can’t take their eyes off of

i can’t let it touch me or it may be real
that’s why i do this
that’s why my hands are turning clear,
when i fold clean laundry, my name
becomes dirty all over again

i think i should really rewrite it
and make it clearer or more heartfelt,
less arthritic, double plastic, it’s creepy:
i get gaggy and sick and heated and
i wanna puke, i’m more comfortable
with the glue on most stickers

i can’t get over my fear of small, dirty
pieces of paper, letters—god
help me—i recognize it